International Society for the Performing Arts

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International Society for the Performing Arts






630 9th Avenue



United States



Website URL


Missions and objectives

The mission of the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) is to strengthen the performing arts globally through the advancement of leadership, the exchange of ideas, and by fostering a diverse and engaged membership. Our vision is to be a leading global network of diverse cultural professionals, reflecting the entire ecosystem of the performing arts. This network will strengthen communities, and further develop and promote the appreciation and recognition of the importance of the arts to society.


Main Activities

– ISPA has a membership of over 450 global performing arts leaders from over 50 regions across the globe.
– ISPA hosts two congresses per year, one in New York in January and another in an international location in June.
– Pitch New Works traditionally takes place during the congress and is a forum for creators and arts professionals to discover new performing arts projects at ISPA congresses. Twice a year, ISPA holds a public call for applications from which ten submissions are selected to be presented at the following ISPA congress.
– ISPA’s Fellowship Program was created to provide emerging and mid-career performing arts professionals with the opportunity to expand their international networks through membership and attendance at ISPA Congresses.
– Member Programming: ISPAconvenes, Genius Bar, and Community Building Program.
ISPAconvenes is a monthly video call among and led by ISPA members. It is a place for members to socially connect, discuss timely topics, and further their network – virtually and ongoing. Genius Bar is the ultimate connector between ISPA members – virtually and year-round. Members sign-up with an issue they are grappling with or an opportunity they want to explore, and they’re paired with another member who has relevant expertise for a 30 minute consultation. The Community Building Program is a welcome for new members attending their first congress. A new member is paired with a current member who greets them at the congress, is a personal resource for any questions, and facilitates networking and introductions.
– Regional Initiatives: ISPA undertakes a number of diverse programs, both ongoing and ad hoc, that facilitate a presence for the organization and its membership globally. These programs are done in partnership with local organizations and complement work that is currently occurring in the region. They typically, but not exclusively, take the form of curated conversations and/or networking opportunities.