Adebajo Oluwafemi

Name of the organization or artist

Adebajo Oluwafemi






25 Ajileye street Bariga Lagos






Website URL


Missions and objectives

 This company was formed to Unify the community and world culture through contemporary arts and African traditional Performance productions, art events, commissions, videos, commercials

We want to explores more cultural identity and the artistic heritage of African and diverse communities, to research  and reflect on both personal and collective collaborative experiences, and memories, that historically remain relevant to our contemporary realities. 

This is a performing arts organization that uses culture in connecting young people In Nigeria to the globe and adults through the creative arts and culture in an accessible way, empowering diverse communities by supporting creative holistic projects, contributing to social change. An inclusive approach that through partnerships and collaborative projects .


Main Activities

I use Art as a stool for change, creating platform for cultural exchanges, festivals , event , impacting society brought the art

Creating dance productions, theatre productions, creating platform for youth dancers a d artiste in the community where I am from ..