The subject of the Fund activities are: 1) Development, support, and promotion of projects and programs in the field of social issues in the Central Asian region; 2) At the international, regional and national levels, raising public awareness of the socio-economic development of the Central Asian region; 3) Conducting research (sociological, marketing, economic, etc.); 4) Preparation of analytical materials; 5) Development of social programs, strategies, and concepts; 6) Organization and holding of educational events (training, seminars), the involvement of trainers and experts, development of own training programs; 7) Organization and holding of cultural events, conferences, exhibitions, including international and other events; 8) Development and publication of information and methodological material (manuals, instructions, etc.); 9) Development of social partnership between the state, public and business sectors; 10) Interaction with public authorities to solve key social problems, assistance in the development, coordination, and implementation of socio-economic programs of the state; 11) Assistance in improving the legislative framework of Kazakhstan, analysis of international legislation and preparation of recommendations. |