Name of the organization or artist

International Theatre Institute Italia (ITI Italy)



Via Giuseppe Candido 23, 73100 Lecce



Website URL

Missions and objectives

International Theatre Institute Italia, based in Lecce, is the Italian Centre of the International Theatre Institute-UNESCO (ITI). Founded in 1948 by UNESCO in Paris, the International Theatre Institute (ITI) is the largest and important world organization for the performing arts, created with the aim of promoting intercultural dialogue thanks to its diffusion in over 100 countries. Established in 2012, the ITI Italia includes among its members: Astràgali Teatro (Lecce), Teatro Vascello (Rome), Accademia Amiata Mutamenti (Grosseto), La Mama Umbria International (Spoleto), Aenigma Teatro (Pesaro), Mana Chuma Teatro (Reggio Calabria), Teatro Arsenale (Milan) together with sociologists, philosophers, management and communication experts cultural. ITI Italia’s main mission is to promote, nationally and internationally, the theatre in its multicultural vocation. It supports activities with artistic, educational, humanitarian aid in conflict zones and in developing regions to foster peace and reciprocity knowledge, considering the performing arts as a means for social inclusion, dialogue intercultural and peace. It represents a reference centre for many theatres and operators in Italy. ITI Italia builds international partnerships for educational, research, exchange and co-production, with work strongly oriented towards the exchange of knowledge and good practices with the National Centres of ITI worldwide network.

Main Activities

Among the known initiatives promoted by ITI Italia are the World Theatre Day, which is celebrated on March 27 every year, since 1962, in theatres and cultural realities, making a single Message resound, entrusted to one personality of world culture to witness the live reflections on the theme of theatre and culture of peace. ITI Italia which is entrusted with the Italian translation of the message, promotes World Theatre Day nationwide and organizes a series of activities aimed at its celebration. ITI supports every year the National Day of Theatre in Prison, organized by the Aenigma Association, supported by the Ministry of Grace and Justice (Department of the Penitentiary Administration and Department for Juvenile and Community Justice), that takes place all over Italy in conjunction with World Theatre Day. ITI Italia is part of the working group promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), aimed at defining strategies and practices for the promotion of theatre, music and dance in Italian schools. Together with MIUR ITI Italia promoted the 4 editions of the Call on theatrical writings “Scrivere il Teatro”, addressed to all Italian schools. ITI Italia from 2018 is partner of the project ” ADNICH – ADriatic Network of artistic production for the development and enhancement of Intangible Cultural Heritage”, supported by the program INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro. The main objective of the project is to increase the cross-border cooperation for audience development, promoting the enhancement of the intangible assets of Italy, Montenegro and Albania and organizing new forms of experiential and cultural products. ITI Italia is also the Leader of the project “Alchimie – La Distilleria De Giorgi Artistic Residence of Community” supported by the Fondazione con il Sud. The De Giorgi Distillery in San Cesario di Lecce is a site of the architectural, historical, social heritage of great value and ITI Italia coordinates the enhancement and revitalization of this very important industrial archeology site through numerous activities open to communities ranging from art workshops (including migrants, people with different abilities, children, seniors), Italian courses for foreigners, active citizenship activities, artistic events, international conferences, exhibitions, international shows, workshops. Ιn 2021, ITI Italia promoted the seminars of “Theatre in Conflict Zones” and “Chi è di Scena? ITI meets the world “. “Theatre in Conflict Zones” is promoted in collaboration with Directorate General ITI and other institutions, supported by the Fondazione con il Sud. It provides the creation of a series of online seminars involving artists and cultural operators mainly of ITI Centers that have developed experience in the field of theatre in conflict areas. It is an important initiative that promotes the work of artists of value that are engaged in artistic actions in conflict zones or in post-conflict zones. “Chi è di scena? ITI meets the world” is an initiative of the Directorate General of the International Theater Institute UNESCO in collaboration with the Italian Center of the ITI. “Chi è di scena? ITI meets the world” is part of the ‘Genius Loci’ project, promoted by Eufonia-Astràgali Teatro, in collaboration with ITI DG, ITI Spain, Fundacion de la Danza ‘Alicia Alonso’ (Spain), University of Salento – Department of History, Society and Human Studies (Italy), Constanta State Theater (Romania), Theatro Tsi Zakynthos (Greece), with the support of the Creative Europe Program.
ITI Italia has a constant relationship with institutions, private and public, international foundations, public bodies, arts and performing arts networks of Arab countries. Indeed, ITI Italia and some of its corporate members worked mainly in Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Palestine. ITI Italia boasts important collaborations with the Centres and Executive Members of ITI UNESCO from Near East and North Africa countries.

Contact person

Roberta Quarta


