Name of the organization or artist

Dana and Qadisiyah Local Community Cooperative



Main Street, Dana, Tafilah, Jordan 66666



Website URL

Missions and objectives

Mission: To maintain the local community’s traditional culture and natural heritage by empowering community members to adopt a more active socio-political role in order to claim the land rights to their customary land.
– Supporting and encouraging cooperation among residents to manage and implement collective projects and to be self-reliant instead of waiting for charitable aid.
– Supporting and strengthening traditional professions such as farming, grazing, and providing training and guidance services in cooperation with civil and governmental institutions.
– Sustainable development of the region through investment in the field of eco-tourism and support of the tourism and commercial movement in the region.
– Preserving the architectural, cultural and natural heritage of the village of Dana as an essential resource for sustainable development.
– Working with the concerned authorities in preserving nature, protecting the environment and pressing to reduce environmental pollutants.
– Assisting in public awareness efforts to protect nature and the environment, reduce environmental destructive activities, and promote eco-tourism and eco-traditional agriculture.
– Awareness of economic, cultural, social, health and political rights and opportunities, and the mechanisms and means available to claim them and activate them in the service of development.
– Reviving folklore and traditional handicrafts, and developing and marketing the products of productive associations and families

Main Activities

Main activities:
Community development, empowerment and education
Preservation of the Ottoman village of Dana
Sustainable development including community-owned sustainable tourism projects in the Dana Nature Reserve and training local guides
Ongoing activities include supporting and promoting local handicraft initiatives, attending and presenting at international conferences and events, hosting and participating in the Euromed Youth Programme, and offering voluntary placements for local, Jordanian and international volunteers.

Contact person

Khalid Khawaldeh

