My name is Redha MENASSEL, I’m a journalist at Radio Algiers Channel 3. Holder of a Master 2 from the Lille School of Journalism (ESJ Lille, France), I have been a field reporter and news anchor since 2009. I had the opportunity to do several internships and training in major foreign media such as Radio France or the BBC London & Manchester before putting all these skills at the service of my Radio where i was responsible for creating and manage the first cultural service in the history of the Channel. I had the honor of winning numerous journalism awards such as the Media Stars, the UNICEF award, the 2nd Ali Bey Boudoukha award for investigative journalism or the URTI International Grand Prix for Radio. For a few years now, i have embarked on the creation of documentary films and my first documentary film “Objectif Hirak”, produced by Médiapart, has enjoyed a successful career in international festivals. I am currently in the process of writing a book “100 portraits of Algerian feminists” which aims to highlight the struggle of women in my country. As I type these lines, more than 50 feminicides have taken place with complete impunity. |