Name of the organization or artist

PeaceGeeks International








Logo download link for organization or Photo download link for artists


Website URL


Field of work

Human Rights


Missions and objectives

Meshkat Community project -which is one of PeaceGeeks projects in MENA region- builds the digital content creation capabilities to contribute to promoting tolerance and peace through the alternative narrative methodology and to promote creative Arabic digital content on the Internet.

Project’s mission is to build a culture of creative & peaceful digital content to promote valuable online engagement as an alternative to traditional responses to social issues.


Main Activities

Empower and Mobilize Content Creation :
Meshkat Community increases access to and creation of peaceful and socially inclusive content. Our Artists in Residence program gives content creators and community members the resources to create innovative content that responds to their communities’ vulnerabilities. The Meshkat Community digital platforms are also digital hubs that collect and share this content, inspiring engagement and collaboration on making positive change through the alternative narratives.

Strengthen Civic and Digital Engagement :
Beyond content creation programs, we also support community members to continue collaborating and sharing their knowledge about creative ways to promote positive values through the digital sphere, and to collaborate with each other to engage positively to the community’s vulnerabilities.

Increase Knowledge, Dialogue and Resources:
In partnership with local community groups, we bring together people of different backgrounds to learn how the different narratives shape their communities, and then discuss ideas for effective communications strategies that address the root causes. Through these learnings, we also produce research materials that help more digital communities learn about narratives that overcome local social divides.


Contact person

Thair Alkiswani

