Name of the organization or artist







via newton 12, CAGLIARI





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Missions and objectives

Our many years of experience in live shows and entertainment allows us, through the use of digital on stage,to create and “augment” the sense of presence and liveness of the theater.
Through a technological enlargement that “physically envelops the audience in an uninterrupted atmosphere of light, images, movements and sounds” – the work and events become non-linear and kinetic-visual narrations.
Hic et nunc et ubique.
In technological terms, real-time is the key and the artistic figure that connects the depth of human experience with its imagination, creates an environment not only virtual, that lives with all the senses.
Cit. “The Theatre of Cruelty” Antonin Artaud


Main Activities

Kyber teatro is a theatre and new technologies company that works in Sardinia from 2014.
We are a theatre and new technologies company, leader in the digital creative field in Italy. We create and plan transdisciplinary shows and theater plays, science theatre plays, performance with new technologies, multimedia events, interactive tales for sensitive environments.ince 2014, we organises “Le Meraviglie del Possibile”,our International Festival of Theatre Art and New Technologies, that represents in Italy the only platform of international reference concerning theatre and “technology oriented” art.

It is an innovative network that promotes the contamination between humanistic culture and scientific knowledge and it involves national and international audience, artists (directors, actors, musicians, performers, dancers, media artists), scientists and technologists. The Festival presents every year a rich schedule of activities and events.
Performances, installations, shows, theatre and new technologies plays, workshops, talks and conferences are characterised by a high interactivity and multidisciplinarity level. We actively promote the knowledge of this specific artistic-technological sector.
Kyber Theatre is L’ Aquilone di Viviana company’ spin off, that has been working since 2002 on transdisciplinary and intercultural theatrical projects.



