International Human Rights Art Festival

Name of the organization or artist

International Human Rights Art Festival





Website URL


Missions and objectives

Providing a home for artists to be heard.

Amplifying unheard stories from around the world through mobilizing a creative collective, inspiring action, and celebrating the diversity of this soul force!

Artists around the world speak truth to power—often alone, and at great personal risk.
The International Human Rights Art Festival empowers their voices, activating a global audience of allies, to support and protect them in their struggle for social justice and human rights.


Main Activities

We sponsor a growing menu of art-activist activities at the intersection of art, society, and the spirit. We hold in-person performance events, both in New York City and (digitally) around the world; we sponsor a Youth Fellowship and International Fellowship; we provide direct action support to artists at risk; we publish a literary magazine; we offer a series of literary and artistic awards, including the Creators of Justice Literary Award, At of Unity Creative Award, Magos Herrera Young Immigrant Musician Award and others; and we have an African Secretariat running programming on that continent.



Something to add?

We believe that creative engagement with all members of the society is the surest path toward social justice and positive change.