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Missions and objectives

The Uxío Novoneyra Foundation, a cultural entity of state interest established in 2011, pursues the following objectives:
The conservation and dissemination of Uxío Novoneyra’s legacy as well as his work and the works in his private collection.
The promotion of study and research activities in the field of literature, especially poetry; language, arts, especially painting and performing arts; and historical and political studies.
The defense of the environment, especially that related to his work, in the territorial area of his activities.
The dynamization and socio-cultural promotion of the poet’s area of reference.
The promotion and dissemination of culture and socio-cultural reality of Galicia abroad and the collaboration with public-private entities with similar aims.
As a house of poetry, the Uxío Novoneyra Foundation supports unique projects such as the Ámeto Mítico travelling poetry residences on the Way of St. James. Among its activities is the Ith project, a virtual platform for collective financing of literary projects that aims to support a free and open community of readers. In addition, the foundation programs every August the Festival dos Eidos with a wide range of activities in poetry, music, film, dance, biological routes, among others.

The recovery and rehabilitation of the house where Uxío Novoneyra was born is a fundamental objective of this institution. We understand our foundational headquarters as a center of activation of the memory of the Serra do Courel through the poetic word. Its spaces in the process of recovery house a documentary archive, exhibition areas and a visitable vegetable garden.

The Uxío Novoneyra Foundation is part of the Association of Writers’ Houses-Museums and Foundations (ACAMFE).


Main Activities

In Europe, hundreds of thousands of people set out each year from their homes -or from popular starting points- to make their way to major worship places and lesser-known ones. The pilgrimage routes have undoubtedly become a significant economic and political asset for Europe.

The rurAllure project addresses one weak point hidden behind this depiction of success: the pilgrimage routes may be traversed by thousands, but their impact is almost exclusively perceived in the places located directly on the paths, rarely permeating into the surrounding rural areas. Thus, entire provinces and regions of a predominantly rural nature, which are facing significant economic and demographic challenges all over Europe become passive witnesses of the flows of pilgrims, whereas they could actually add much of content and value to the experiences.


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