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Field of work

Human Rights


Missions and objectives

ASTICUDE is a Moroccan non-profit association. Its mission is to defend inclusive, egalitarian and equitable access to political, economic and cultural decision-making through the contribution to producing a local elite capable of raising the challenges of development in its democratic dimension, in accordance with a participatory approach, based on rights, sensitive to gender and to cultural and linguistic diversity, with a view to achieving social justice, dignity and modernity of thought as pillars of democratic development.
ASTICUDE was created in 1999 with objective to promote the rights of the people in need specially women and young people, with a special attention to be amazigh cultural specifity. from 2005 the association took the decision to collaborate in a new strategy based on the international cooperation for promoting the local developpement in north of Morocco, spcially in fields like education, migration,
environnement, rural developpement and gender. this strategy axed on two parts : – increasing the performance of basic infrastructure (schools, sanitation, drinking water reds,.) – capacity buildings of civil society activists and specified trainings this strategy helped to have a large impact of the projects and a big mobilisation of differents actors from the civil society and public institutions.


Main Activities

ASTICUDE continued to execute its action plan which focuses on the implementation of projects that
contribute to the creation of a favorable context for the promotion of the economic and socio-cultural rights of
migrants and Moroccans to generate spaces of conviviality and social cohesion , thus creating a favorable
context to respect the rights with the aim of effective and efficient integration through the involvement of civil
society and professionals from the various media. Obviously, among the objectives of the last general
assembly of the association determining the strategy for the implementation of projects, to aim to promote the
political, economic and social participation of women and young people in the Oriental region, through capacity
building of young leaders in decision-making channels.
ASTICUDE’s main fields of action:
– legal, humanitarian and medical assistance for vulnerable people

– Awareness campaigns on access to fundamental rights
– Training and research
– Creation of spaces for dialogue, exchange and conviviality
– Mobilization and advocacy for the rights of vulnerable people
– Establishment of community initiatives to fight poverty


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