Associació Basket Beat

Name of the organization or artist

Associació Basket Beat: Moviment, art, educació i acció social



C/Sant Adrià 20, 08030 Barcelona



Website URL

Missions and objectives

Basket Beat is a project in which we accompany people on their personal growth through musical creation and learning in groups with basketballs.
In first place, Basket Beat aims to promote critical thinking and the encounter between persons. In second place, our goal is to promote the permanent revision of the role that professionals and institutions have while working in the social, artistic and teaching areas.

Main Activities

· Socio-educational Workshops
Skills such as empathy and communication are trained in single sessions or during intensive or long group processes.
· Training
Training for students, teaching staff and also for professionals from social, educational and artistic fields in order to review their role as professionals, as well as to identify and systematize art as an educational, political and transformation tool.
The Basket Beat Orchestra is an ensemble based on the rhythm of basketballs as driving force and where youngsters who took part in the educational group processes play together with professional musicians.
·Team Building
We offer workshops for corporate teams to foster cohesion, emotional intelligence, positions within the group and decision-making by means of a fun and engaging physical activity.

Contact person

Josep Maria Aragay Borràs