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4532 Lee Highway Ste 535, Arlington, VA 22207


United States

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Missions and objectives

MENAACTION, established by a group of Middle Eastern youth, is a nonprofit organization designed to advocate for the rights of Middle Eastern youth and the Middle East in general. MENAACTION is for youth by youth, focusing on issues of policy, advocacy, democracy and human rights.

MENAACTION believes in the meaningful engagement of youth as stakeholders and active agents. We utilize our network of peers around the world to be our empowered network of advocates, experts, and activists. They are provided with the space and opportunity to contribute to our programs and activities through our online and offline presence. MENAACTION’s outreach network is designed to meaningfully engage youth.

MENAACTION is rooted in empowering voices in and from the Middle East and North Africa to lead efforts to incorporate youth in the region into policy and decision making, while expanding opportunities for youth involvement across society. Through a focus on youth and a combination of policy, advocacy, democracy, and human rights programs, MENAACTION provides a unique and distinct approach to addressing issues in the region. Our platform empowers not only young experts on the region, but also young experts from the region, providing an expertise that is lacking among existing approaches. This will enable us to realize one of our guiding principles: MENAACTION is for all.

Main Activities

1. MENARY Monitor: A weekly newsletter, a compilation of English, Arabic, French, Farsi, and Turkish news items from trusted sources in addition to insightful comments. MENARY Monitor is distributed on weekly basis to government institutions and policy makers, international organizations, researchers, and other relevant stakeholders. The main objective is to provide these stakeholders with trusted, accurate, and accessible updates on all matters concerning youth in the MENA region to save them time and effort and provide them with the points of concern requiring action. MENARY Monitor aims to become the main source of all news and updates concerning youth of the MENA Region. In doing so, it looks to provide policy makers, international and local organizations, and researchers with accessible, accurate, and timely updates, news items, commentary, and analysis to guide them towards the needs requiring action.
2. MENAACTION Youth Index (MYI): The MENAACTION Youth Index (MYI) seeks to compile all youth-related data into one index. This index comprises of a variety of sub-indicators, including economic inclusion, educational opportunities, freedoms, equality, political engagement, cultural engagement, health, technology, and environment. MYI adopts Amartya Sen’s definition of Human Development “human development is about the expansion of citizens capabilities, including increasing citizens’ access and opportunities to the things they have reason to value.” MYI applies these ideals onto youth in the MENA region.

Contact person

Mohammed Abu Dalhoum

