Name of the organization or artist

Culture Zone NGO



Neznanih junaka 99A



Website URL

Missions and objectives

The Organization develop activities in the field of visual arts and other forms of cultural and artistic creation.
The Organization shall develop new culture and arts concept with the aim of integrating arts and culture in social trends based on the principle of sustainability and inter-sector cooperation with tourism.

– Development and promotion of culture and culture tourism
– Involvement of Montenegro in international initiatives related to contemporary arts
– Development of concepts of self-sustainability through innovation activities and iner-sector networking
– Development of innovative culture conceptions aimed at the creation of integrated cultural product
– Encouragement of mobility of artists, culture workers and wider population
– Development of dialogue between culture actors and other sectors, with the aim of development of culture and general social benefit
– Production of contemporary artworks and their presentation and promotion
– Development of educational, hospitality and other activities profiled through culture products.

Main Activities

The activities of NGO Culture Zone are composed of activities of design and implementation of contemporary culture practices aimed at the development of different social activities, affirmation of arts and cultural heritage through tourism and other contemporary practices, organization of international residences for artists of various profiles, with special emphasis on contemporary production; educational activities for professional artists, young people, vulnerable groups and other interested groups; research and development of various models of self-sustainability of art and culture in general; organization of exhibitions and multimedia events.

Contact person

Mr Igor Rakcevic

