Name of the organization or artist

Spotight Center for Law and Human Rights






Sakafath Street- Assaf Blg- 8th Floor- Tripoli






Website URL


Missions and objectives

Spotlight is a leading independent civic, non-profit, non-partisan, and non-governmental organization aimed at making the law accessible to all people in the Middle East, and particularly for socially and economically disadvantaged people. We also use the power of law to advance human rights, empower women and young girls, report abuses and offer direct assistance to victims of those abuses. Spotlight intends to promote social justice, educational, economic, legal justice and human rights Through raising awareness, advocacy programs, conferences, workshops and legal assistance on different legal topics and human rights issues in the Middle East.
To promote the culture of fundamental human rights and freedoms, in particular the rights of women and minorities. We seek to defend individuals and women’s rights by responding to violations and providing advice, supporting institutional reforms, building capacities, working closely with governments, national institutions and civil society, and influencing legal change in policies currently in place to ensure justice for all.


Main Activities

Spotlight Activities in general focusing on all issues related to human rights in particularly vulnerable such as women, girls and youth through capacity Building, Workshops, Awareness sessions.


