شبكة الثقافة والفنون العربية - آكان

An independent, non-profit organization under license n° 863 established in 2020 during the Corona pandemic crisis on the initiative of cultural activists with the aim of networking individuals and cultural and artistic institutions, for cultural solidarity and opening a link and channels for the exchange of events, festivals, and experiences in art and culture in the Arab region and opening cultural bridges in the Middle East, and between the Middle East and the West.


بسبب جائحة كورونا التي أثرت بشكل كبير على المشهد الثقافي في المنطقة مما جعلنا نعيد قراءة المشهد والتحولات من أجل إيجاد شبكة للثقافة والفنون لتمكين المجتمعات الثقافية فيما بينها من أجل التشبيك والتعاون ،ودعم الإبداع وتشجيع التبادل والمنح للأعمال الإبداعية ، وتحسين السياسات الداعمة للثقافة والفنون في المنطقة العربية، وتفعيل دور الفن والثقافة في تغيير المجتمعات عبر التعبير الحُر في مجال المسرح والسينما، والموسيقى والأدب والبحوث والدراسات والمعارض والفنون الأدائية


تتضمن شبكة الثقافة والفنون العربية فريق عمل يتمتع بخبرات ومهارات فنية مختلفة ضمن منظومة على رأسها جمعية عمومية تشمل عدداً من الناشطين الثقافيين الفاعلين في المنطقة العربية ، وهيئة ادارية مؤلفة من 9 أعضاء ، وأربع لجان أساسية تضم متطوعين من الفنانين الشباب


  • Weekly organization of online sessions and seminars
  • Publishing works, events, and artistic and cultural grants through its website and social media platforms
  • Preparing artistic programs through the website and an online radio (electronic platform open to all)
  • Organizing various artistic training workshops (online)
  • Annual organization of meetings, seminars, conferences and regional meetings
  • Partnership in organizing and supporting newly emerging festivals
  • Establishing training programs for institutions and volunteers to organize festivals, cultural events and training workshops
  • Providing grants to institutions and individuals and supporting emerging experiences
  • Issuing a monthly electronic newspaper to highlight the cultural scene in the Arab region


The Arab Culture and Arts Network project from Lebanon won in the category of cultural diversity, identity, linguistic diversity and local content with projects from Rwanda, Bangladesh, India and Australia as the best five projects in the world, out of 1270 projects submitted from different countries of the world, 360 projects were nominated; 20 in each of the 18 WSIS Action Line categories, the five projects in the online voting won 1.3 million votes, and Ronda ranked first.

The Arab Culture and Arts Network (ACAN) received the Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) in the category “Recent Events” given by the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs. The Network won the award among 1,300 competing projects from 87 countries.

برامج إذاعية
مستفيد من الورشات التدريبية
إجتماع عبر الانترنت


آنا سيندرارو آلفريز

Lawyer, born in 1964, studied law at Universidad Complutense in Madrid and holds an MBA. She has also been a legal affairs officer for European Space Agency projects for 12 years, and an elected member of the Pula local government for 5 years. Served as a jury in international festivals for theater and cinema. She has many theatrical and cinematic works

عمر ميقاتي

Born in 1944, Professor of Radio Drama at Beirut Arab University and Head of the Radio Direction Department for twelve years at the official radio of Lebanon. He wrote and directed dozens of radio programs for Radio Lebanon and some Arab radio stations and books for children on television. He was tutored by his father, the playwright Nizar Mikati

مي نصر

Singer and composer, holding a BA in literature and founder of “We Partners” in Lebanon, serving as a Director of “PartnersYemen”, May is a strong advocate for building peace through music and the arts.

قاسم إسطنبولي

A Lebanese actor and director, a graduate of the Lebanese University, Faculty of Fine Arts, he presented many theatrical works, participated in starring films and television series, he is a member in Tiro Association for Arts and founder of the Lebanese National Theater in Tyre, which is considered the first free theater and cinema in Lebanon.

رنا غدار

A handicrafts trainer, born in 1983. She holds a BA in Educational Psychology from the Lebanese University. She taught drawing and fine arts in many schools and institutions, and founded “Yasmina” group for storytelling and games for children.

مهى أمين

Actress and specialist at the Mosan Center for People with Special Needs. She participated in many theatrical works and training workshops in Lebanon and Libya.

بهية زيات

A handicrafts artist, born in 1950, she studied at the Jaafariya School and graduated from the Lebanese University in Sociology, and then graduated from the Art Department at the American University, specializing in the art of painting on glass, mirrors, pottery and porcelain. She has also participated in many artistic and cultural exhibitions and festivals, and is currently conducting training workshops for children and youth in the field of crafts and handicrafts

صلاح عطوي

A playwright and director who studied directing in Egypt. He founded the Southern Theater Troupe, which presented many theatrical works, most notably “the issues in mirrors”, “we lived and we healed”. He also wrote many songs and has a poetry collection called “Dead without Burials.”

زينة سكيكي

Professional guitarist, graduate of the Higher Conservatoire of Music, a member of the Syndicate of Professional Music and Singing in Lebanon and music coach at TIS School in Tyre

فريق العمل

جنى الحسن

Coordinator and technical advisor

قاسم إسطنبولي

Executive Director

أندريه الحاج

Coordinator and technical advisor

آنا سيندرارو آلفريز

Program Manager

كامل موسى

Finance Officer

إسراء عليان

Communication Officer

مريم محفوظ

مسؤول النشرة الإلكترونية

محمد عكاوي

Website Manager

محمد سعيد

Archive Officer

مهدي عبدالواحد

Website developer

مارك منصور

Graphic Designer

آية عواضة

Office Assistant 

تيا خلف

Graphic Designer

فريق عمل راديو آكان

حياة حب الله

Radio Announcer

سيلين سكيكي

Radio Announcer

روان أمين

Radio Announcer

حسام خطاب

Radio programs manager
