Name of the organization or artist

The Freedom Theatre



School Street – Jenin Refugee Camp



Website URL

Missions and objectives

The Freedom Theatre’s vision is a cultural resistance movement at the core of a free
and critical Palestinian society.

Through cultural resistance, The Freedom Theatre aims to raise a new generation
that is able to challenge all forms of oppression.

– To train professionals in the field of theatre, pedagogics and media to provide
human resources for the enhancement of the cultural and artistic sector in Palestine
– To work in our community in order to strengthen collaboration, self-awareness,
creativity and imagination
– To produce state of the art and thought-provoking theatre and media products and
perform them locally, regionally and internationally
– To advocate good governance, accountability, equality, integrity and justice in
Palestine, advocate for Palestinian rights internationally and promote The Freedom
Theatre locally and internationally
– To maintain good administrative and management procedures in TFT

Main Activities

Cultural Resistance Movement
“My dream is that The Freedom Theatre will
be the major force, cooperating with others
in generating cultural resistance, carrying on
it’s shoulders universal values of freedom and
justice.” Juliano Mer Khamis
The Freedom Theatre is a national cultural
movement that harnesses creative power
and artistic expression in the pursuit of justice
and equality. It is a catalyst for creating an
attractive leadership situation for the various
performing arts schools. We follow a line
loaded with diverse ideas and expressions
as a bullet of inspiration to resist the poverty,
wars, censorship, hatred, and evocation of
the beauty of the theatre in the imagination,
authenticity, friendship and multiculturalism,
and we go on the approach of cultural
resistance, which was inscribed by the moguls
of Palestinian resistance literature such as
Ghassan Kanafani, Naji Al Ali, Tawfiq Ziad,
Mahmoud Darwish, Samih Al Qasim, Rashid
Hussein and many more.
The Freedom Theatre is developing a vibrant
and creative artistic community in the West
Bank. While emphasising professionalism and
innovation, the aim of the theatre is also to
empower youth and women in the community
and to explore the potential of arts as an
important catalyst for social change.
Through it’s work, The Freedom Theatre aims
– Raise the quality of performing and visual arts
in the area.
– Offer a space in which children and youth
can; act, create and express themselves
freely and equally, imagine new realities and
challenge existing social and cultural barriers.
– Empower the young generation to use
the arts to promote positive change in their
– Break the cultural isolation that separates
Jenin from the wider Palestinian and
global communities.

Contact person

Mustafa Sheta

